• Product Code: FIBRO VEGE PLUS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • RM50

FIBRO VEGE PLUS (益素多) -15 sachets x 15 gm

Main ingredients/主要成份/ Ramuan utama :
Mixed Vegetable(Carrot, Green cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cucumber,  Celeriac, Leek, Onion, Garlic, Asparagus, Red bell pepper, Red beet root, Mushroom), Oligofructose , Alfalfa Leaf, Wheat Grass, Psyllium Husk. 
多种蔬菜(罗卜, 嫩卷心菜、花椰菜、硬花甘蓝、黄瓜、粗根芹菜、韭、葱、大蒜、芦笋、红色甜椒、红色甜菜根、 蘑菇), 果寡糖, 紫花苜蓿叶, 小麦草, 西莲壳。 
Sayur-sayuran Campuran(Lobak merah, Kubis hijau, Bunga kubis, Brokoli, Timun,   Seleri, Lik, Bawang, Bawang putih, Asparagus, Lada benggala merah, Ubi bit merah, Cendawan ) ,Oligofruktosa,Daun Alfalfa,Wheat Grass,Psyllium Husk. 

Direction to use/ 建议用法/ Arahan penggunaan : 
1-2 times daily. Add a sachet of FIBRO VEG PLUS into a glass of water(approx.250 ml).Stir well and consume within 3 minutes. For best results, you are advised to drink plenty of water.
每日1-2次。将一包益素多加入约250 毫升的清水中冲调,请在3分钟内饮用,建议多喝水以达到最佳效果。
1 hingga 2 kali sehari. Campurkan 1 bungkus FIBRO VEGE PLUS dalam 250 ml air setiap kali, kacau dan minum dalam 3 minit. Minumlah banyak air sewaktu mengambil produk ini.

FIBRO VEGE PLUS (Hawthorn Flavour)
 -Mixed Vegetable Powder Drink
15 sachets x 15 gm

3 Major Benefits:
*Neutralize acidic body
*Fast purifies the intestinal system, increases good bacteria
*Shaping a well balance and energetic body system.

3 Fungsi Utamanya:
*Meneutralkan keasidan tubuh badan.
*Membersihkan salur usus dengan cepat disamping menambahkan kandungan bakteria berguna. 
*Membentukkan tubuh badan supaya cantik dan juga meningkatkan susuk badan. 

*Main ingredients/ Ramuan utama:
Mixed Vegetable(Carrot,Green cabbage,Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cucumber,  Celeriac, Leek, Onion, Garlic, Asparagus, Red bell pepper, Red beet root, Mushroom), Oligofructose , Alfalfa Leaf, Wheat Grass, Psyllium Husk. 

Sayur-sayuran Campuran(Lobak merah, Kubis hijau, Bunga kubis, Brokoli, Timun,   Seleri, Lik, Bawang, Bawang putih, Asparagus, Lada benggala merah, Ubi bit merah, Cendawan ) ,Oligofruktosa,Daun Alfalfa,Wheat Grass,Psyllium Husk. 

Direction to use/Arahan penggunaan:
1-2 times daily. Add a sachet of FIBRO VEG PLUS into a glass of water(approx.250 ml).Stir well and consume within 3 minutes. For best results, you are advised to drink plenty of water.

1 hingga 2 kali sehari. Campurkan 1 bungkus FIBRO VEGE PLUS dalam 250 ml air setiap kali, kacau dan minum dalam 3 minit. Minumlah banyak air sewaktu mengambil produk ini.